Helping F0CAL talk to investors

Preparing for their next raise, computer-vision startup F0CAL faced the challenge of explaining a notably complicated technology to investors with widely divergent levels of knowledge.

Founder Brian Rossa needed editorial assistance to express his ideas along with a communications strategy that helped him justify F0CAL’s case to already-interested check writers—while also widening the pool of potential investors.

Zero to 1:

Worked with Founder to establish and hone his unique voice—hyper-intelligent and experienced without being arrogant or overly abstract. || Drafted and revised highly specialized blogs, thesis, and white paper, working with a broad editorial team that included advisors and industry insiders. || Strategized release and promotion of blogs through email and on social networks. || Compiled press list for promoting F0CAL news in coming seasons.

Results: High engagement from target audiences for blogs posted on Founder’s LinkedIn.

|| Successful financing round to fund upcoming growth.

|| F0CAL is now armed with targeted media list for its next announcement.